International trade transactions inherently involve various customs procedures of different content and nature, playing an important and inseparable role in the execution of any international trade delivery to and from a third country.

At M.V. Consult - 2000, as established professionals in the field of customs representation, we can offer a comprehensive customs service combined with high efficiency, quality, and strict adherence to all international and European regulations

Our activities include:


Customs representation for temporary regimes
Release of express courier shipments
Preparation and verification of movement certificates for goods - A.TR, EUR.1.
Preparation and verification of certificates of origin
Preparation and verification of Veterinary and Phytosanitary certificates
Preparation and submission of Intrastat declarations to the NRA
Assistance in the registration of companies on the E-portal of the Customs Agency and submission of applications for providing profiles for customs information systems
Assistance with EORI registration for companies and individuals
Consultations regarding customs, trade, and transport documents
Consultations regarding customs legislation and procedures
Preparation of written explanations, references, applications, and other documents
Tariff classification

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